Yaradeen is the 2nd planet from the Sun. It is the homeworld of both the Roduram and the Auglish, and the seat of the Homes System Intelligent Species Stewardship Administration.
Prior to the Arrival, Roduram theories of the cosmos had not arrived at a heliocentric model, and so no separate word was used in Roduram languages, apart from their word for the only dry land they knew of, Yaradeen.
Auglish cultures on the other hand, had maintained a heliocentric model of the solar system for at least four centuries. During this time, they used their word for soil or dirt, Earth, to refer to the planet orbiting the sun. Although Earth was used in hundreds of Auglish writings that survived the Arrival, its usage was lost during the tranlastion efforts that followed the Arrival. Since roughly 200 BR, the planet has simply been referred to as Yaradeen.